Chess club Wageningen organizes a chess tournament for students in Wageningen!
To participate, you must be registered at a secondary vocational education, a higher professional education or a University education within Wageningen. You can also participate if your study is outside Wageningen but your residence is Wageningen. This chess tournament is for everybody who enjoys chess; weather you are a beginner or advanced chess players. Knowledge of the chess rules is a requirement to participate.
Date: Monday 2nd March 2020
Start: 19.30 h
End: around 22.30 h
Location: University sports centre De Bongerd, Bornsesteeg 2, Wageningen (room 2)
Costs: free
Six rounds will be played. The playing tempo is 10 minutes per person per game + an increment of 5 seconds per move.
In addition to the fun of participating there will be a trophy to bring home for the first, second and third place.
For information and registration mail to